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Past MAHEI Classes

 January 15th 

On January 15, 2023, 2-5:30pm The Marcus Anthony Hall Educational Institute was launched at the Bruce C. Bolling Building on the 6th floor. The event was wonderful and some of our speakers were Chief Segun Idowu, City of Boston, Former State Rep Nika Elugardo, State Representative Russell Holmes.and CEO Glynn Lloyd and Former City Councilor Charles Yancey. There was food, fun and dancing. We had the Baking Star 11 year old Aneily Barton who baked a wonderful cake. Marcus Anthony Hall Mom Francine Tymes was there selling her collection of ties and handkerchiefs called the Marcus Hall Collection. His 11 year old son Yoda was also there. The food was great and the speakers were encouraging. We also had other vendors and a wonderful soloist by the name of Danielle Ruffen. It was a fun night for all and the first class is January 28, 2023. All seven Board members of MAHEI and all four staff  members were in attendance.

May 4th, 2024

These are pictures from May 4th MAHEI class with Mukaji Ambila, our Urban farmer, and Charlie Cofield, who has been in the Carpenters Union for 40 years! #youthfarmersarereal #letsgrowourownfood #ouryouthareourstars #constructionworkisrealwork #carpentersbuildhomes #unionjobsaregoodjobs

April 13th, 2024

Check out the Youth Service Summit! The youth developed a fictional NPO where they had to come up with a campaign initiative based on a 400k grant received ! It was extremely compelling to see them strategize!  In the end they came up with “UnderDose organization and “ A No Dosage” campaign 

April 6th, 2024

Td banks join Marcus Anthony Hall Educational Institute students to discuss checking, savings accounts and budgets, good debt vs bad debt. Very engaging class. Our youth are getting ready. #youthvoicesmatter, #wearethepeoplewehavethepower, #youthrising

March 23rd, 2024

Glynn Lloyd, founder of City Fresh Foods, the Urban Farming Institute, and a founding member of the Black Economic Council of Massachusetts (BECMA) teaches our students how do banks work and what they do with our money. He tells us how  Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) operate and how they help small businesses grow.  

March 16th, 2024